Thursday 20 December 2012

Books for 2012

Many “good” books were written this year (as is the case every year) some I like and some, not so much. I enjoyed the process of selecting good reads and then delving into them with a great cup of coffee or glass of wine. They say books not only enrich your knowledge but also entertain and as I found with a majority of the books I read throughout the year not all books live up to the expected hype surrounding them.

Here are the top 3 books I think are mention worthy reads for the year;

1.            The 50 Shades Trilogy - E. L. James

This was probably one of the biggest Reads to come out of 2012. I personally am not a fan and this is based solely on the reviews I’ve read on these books. It has been said that the only thing that sells this book is its salacious content, “they” say it’s written really poorly and those two reasons alone are enough to make me not even want to bother.
I’ll probably see the movie if it ever comes out but, I will not bother on reading this trilogy.

2.            Eye bags and Dimples – Bonnie Henna

                I love Bonnie Henna but, upon hearing that she had made the time to sit and pen an        autobiography I was a heap of mixed feelings. I have to this day not read the book and I am honestly not sure I ever will.
When you write a tell all book about your life you need to ensure that there is enough “juice” to grace the pages and I fail to see – from an outsider looking in’s perception – how Bonnie’s life warrants an autobiography. Sure there are bits and pieces here and there and I’m sure personal triumphs and such things make for good reading but, I am really on the fence about this one.

3.            The Coldest Night – Robert Olmstead

                This another one that I never got the chance to read this year but, I have heard wonderful things about it, from its evocative storyline to the gracefully written narrative. This book has been described as a novel that boarders on being poetic.
It will without a doubt feature on my reading list and subsequently on the blog in the not so distant future.

Let’s Keep reading ya’ll!
Love, Light and prosperity. Catch you in the New Year. <3